Large Goss and Crested China Collection – 2016


Larges Goss and Crested China Collection
Over 200 pieces for Goss and other crested china including some unusual pieces will be of interest at Unique Auctions June 25th and 26th Antiques & Collectors auction. Crested china items include a collection of animals, a collection of china from Uppingham, and World War One related pieces including Tommies Dugout and Bombard damaged lighthouse.

The auction takes place on 25th and 26th June starting at 9am each day. Viewing is on Friday 24th June 9am-6pm and the morning of the auction from 7am.

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Unique Auctions are one of Lincolnshire’s leading Auction Houses offering a range of regular Antique & Collectors sales. Unique Auctions handle every aspect of probate, house, agricultural, commercial and industrial clearances. For further information call UK +44 (0) 1522 690444 or visit

We are now accepting Goss and Crested China etc for all future auctions. We also value Goss and Crested China etc.

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